
  National holidays: 1st December – Restauração da Independência.
8th December – Imaculada Conceição de Nossa Senhora.
25th December – Natal — Christmas Day.
Sunrise: 1st December – 7h.36m.
Sunset: 1st December – 17h.15m.
Full moon: 30th December.
Winter Solstice: 21st December – 10h.20m.

VEGETABLE PLOTS: Protect any sensitive plants against frost. Clean up plots. In protected areas can still seed spinach, lettuce, broad beans and peas.

VINEYARDS/ TREES/ PRUNING/ GRAFTING: Prune grape vines and bind to supports with raffia strings. If not done finish olive harvest. Plant apple and pear trees. Can start to eat oranges through to August (depending on variety).

REMARKS: The best time to cut firewood for next winter is with the waning moon when the sap is down.